By Rosemary Gallagher - April edition 2016. I used to float along in life, happy, content, expecting nothing much for myself. I didn’t have any great passion for anything in particular. And I certainly didn’t think I had any creative or spiritual talent of any sort. My only goal in life was to meet the man of my dreams and live happily ever after. In my mind, I didn’t need to be ‘successful’ as he would be. I’d be ‘the good wife’ sitting in the passenger seat, of his life. But thank goodness the universe had other plans for me! To my surprise and those around me, my love life didn’t go the way I had planned. And aside from a few light-hearted encounters, no one had really caught my attention. It wasn’t until I was 46 that I finally met ‘the one’: my twin soulmate. I’d never heard of the word ‘twin flame’ before, so I didn’t understand at first why I felt the way I did; this certainty and knowingness that came from deep within my soul. I was consumed by him, yet he continually pushed me away. He was the ‘runner’ and I the ‘chaser’. I already had a strong connection to the angelic world, and had been professionally reading the tarot for a few years, however when I met my twin my spiritual journey escalated as I searched for spiritual answers to the emotional turmoil I was going through. I also needed to find an outlet to express my feelings; the angst and frustration of not being together was getting me down. Someone suggested writing could be therapeutic. I wasn’t very good at writing, I found it difficult to write a few words on a birthday card. But I decided to give it a go and once I started I couldn’t stop; the words just poured out of me. Within two months I’d written my first book, which I went on to publish, called I Listened to My Heart. I also found a talent for lyric writing and I hope one day to write a #1 hit and maybe even win a Grammy! Now I am a woman with big dreams, in the driver’s seat of my life. It took me a few years to understand that the twin flame relationship is primarily about the relationship with yourself. And once I finally went within, I knew I’d never go without again. I lost myself for a while in my twin, but through losing myself, I found the greatest love and gift of all: ME Everything does happen for a reason!
What an exciting way to start the month of February with the release of my first traditionally published book by Watkins Publishing, titled “I AM, YOU ARE”. It’s a small single word reversible, inspirational, gift book. The simple A - Z format provides inspiring and encouraging single words of wisdom, little words with big meanings. You do not need a lot of words to express who you are, or how you feel, sometimes ONE is perfect.
The “I AM” side of the book is an affirmation to ourselves of our internal journey and who we are. The “You ARE” side is a statement of intention to the world of your external journey, how we would like the world to see us - they mirror each other in perfect symmetry – inner and outer meeting as one. Each word I have chosen has been instrumental in helping me on my journey of self- acceptance and love. Each word I have experienced, practiced using, and believed in. Each word has been a friend when I needed one, and like a good friend, gave me the strength and confidence to believe in, and accept who I AM and has helped me become the happy, confident, successful woman I AM today. The words have been chosen to encourage self-love and acceptance and to be your friend and companion. To help you believe in who YOU ARE. Affirmations are short powerful words or statements. It is one of the easiest ways to turn a negative thought pattern into a positive. When you say them out loud, or think them continuously they become the thoughts that create your reality. Affirmations, then become your conscious ‘I AM’ thoughts. Affirmations can be done anywhere; on the train, walking the dog, doing housework or just sitting on the sofa. They can be said silently to yourself, or out aloud. Experience the word, feel it, repeat it as many times throughout your day as possible. Put meaning and passion behind every affirmation. Affirming a word without feeling or belief won’t work. Practice affirming an ‘I AM’ word looking in a mirror and respond back to yourself with – yes, ‘YOU ARE…’ This exercise is very powerful and will help accelerate the self-belief/love process, because you are affirming to your ‘I AM’ (inner self) that ‘You ARE’ (external self) what you say and believe. It takes practice but practice does makes perfect. As you become more aware of your positive conscious thoughts, the negative voice of ego and fear will try to get your attention. Don’t let it. Remember this; your ego/fear doesn’t want you to be happy. It doesn’t want your light to shine. Terrible thought isn’t it! So fight that voice when you hear it and replace it with a positive I AM affirmation. Your thoughts really do create your reality. It’s not just a saying, it’s a fact, so watch them. When you feel happy and good about yourself your energy shifts and you will begin to attract more of what makes you happy. That’s people, opportunities, good luck and so on. Share your ‘I AM’S’. Say to a friend...’YOU ARE’ - amazing, funny, beautiful, intelligent. Be generous with your compliments. We all love them, and remember when you are given a compliment to accept it graciously. What you give out you receive back ten-fold. Self-love is contagious – others will want what you have. When you truly love and accept yourself unconditionally, you have all you need. Self- love/acceptance = freedom = happiness = joy = peace. Who doesn’t want all this? Go get it, own it, it is your right. We are all one, we are all linked to the same universal force – which is love. We are ALL beautiful, loveable, unique spiritual beings having a human experience. Make yours the best it can be. Let today be the day when you look in the mirror and affirm I AM…believe with all your heart and soul that….YOU ARE and you WILL BE. The dictionary says an Elixir has the magical power to maintain life indefinitely. Wishful thinking?” Maybe not?
A couple of years ago I stumbled across a product called the ‘Elixir of Life’ that claimed to be able to slow down the signs of ageing, and also help with raising a person’s spiritual vibration. At the time I was more interested in the effect of it helping me increase my spiritual vibration, than I was by the anti-ageing miracle. Luckily I was born with good genes and I was ageing okay but I was pleased to hear that these drops could possibly do both, so I purchased a bottle. Why not kill two birds with one stone I thought. The ingredients were channelled by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, through a lady called Troika Saint Germain. Apparently, he created it for himself and drank it everyday and lived for over 300 years in the same body, and never aged over 45. I wasn't sure I wanted to live for 300 years, but I sure liked the idea of not looking any older than I already was! Now, I know not everyone believes in all this ‘spiritual stuff’ hence the reason I didn’t tell many of my friends that I was taking the drops, or using the TransformEssence skin cream, until recently when I met up with a few of my girlfriends for lunch. I’d been away in New York for the past 2 months so I hadn’t seen them for a while and their reaction when they saw me was one of amazement. They were shocked at how young I looked and couldn’t understand why I didn’t seem to be ageing. According to them I looked 10 years younger than I am - which is 55. I must admit over the last 12 months, I too had noticed a real change in my skin and complexion. I had also been feeling happier, lighter and full of renewed energy for quite some time. The fine lines around my lips seem to have faded drastically, which I attribute to the TransformEssence Cream; and I’d only been using it for 3 weeks. Yes, I was very impressed. Could a face cream really reduce fine lines so quickly? And were the Elixir drops really able to slow down the ageing process whilst raising my spiritual vibration? Seems like it can. I decided it was time to let my girlfriends in on my secret! Of course, once I told them they were very eager to know where they could buy these ‘amazing products’, so I directed them to the USA website. One of the girls suggested that I should sell the products through my website as it would be easier for them & others to purchase here in the U.K. I was hesitant at first. I wasn’t sure it was something I wanted to do, but then I thought about it and decided it just might be a good idea. I’d also been asking the universe for new work opportunities that were in line with my spiritual path - so I took this as a big sign! At the end of the luncheon I’d already had 3 orders! I am now a distributor and it feels right! Coincidently, during one of my meditations, I was told that it was time for me to make others aware of the Saint Germain products. So here I am…doing as I’m told. I’m such a good little earth angel. This this is not a sales pitch at all and I don't want to push these products onto anyone. It doesn’t matter to me if you buy them or not - (I mean this in the nicest way possible). It’s just the reaction and comments that I have been receiving from friends, especially those who haven’t seen me for a while, tell me that something must be working, and I want to share it with you too. Also a good friend of mine asked me the other day if I’d had ‘work done’ while I’d been away. I laughed my head off - but I took it as a compliment. She placed an order! The Elixir of Life is an essence and holds the vibration of the ingredients without containing them. This enables it to work on both the spiritual and physical bodies. And the TransformEssence Skin Cream restores and rejuvenates your skin with all natural, organic, nutritional, healing and spiritual ingredients. It also holds more active ingredients than any other anti-ageing skin care products. You can read more about these amazing products here /saint-germain-products.html and if you would like to place an order, you can at my shopping page /shopping.html. I also want to say that I would NEVER put my name to anything that I didn't believe in, and I believe in these products, 100%. Love, Rosemary My passion for writing only happened a few years ago. I had never written anything professionally before, however that soon changed the day my path crossed with the man I believe to be my twin soulmate. This encounter changed my life. For the first few years I didn’t know he was my twin soulmate; I had never even heard of the word until a medium I visited told me about it. I had already started on my spiritual path. I’d learnt how to read the tarot & angel cards, and I was having fun with it; even making a little money. However, when I met my twin my spiritual journey escalated. My connection with my guardian angel which had always been strong got even stronger. I hadn’t had much luck in love, and had never really been in love before. Of course, I had had my share of fun over the years and a few major infatuations - but nothing compared to the feelings I had for this man. At first, I didn’t understand why I felt the way I did - this certainty and knowingness that came from so deep within my soul. He was on my mind 24/7. I was consumed by him. There were many times I thought I was losing the plot, because apart from our first date he was doing nothing to encourage me. In fact he was pushing me away. Although I felt he did have strong feelings for me, and that was what was so frustrating. I had to find an outlet to express my feelings as the angst and frustration was taking its toll. My sister suggested that I should write down my feelings. I wasn’t very good at writing, but I thought… what the hell no one was going to see it - (little did I know…). I channelled my energy to the keyboard and started writing down my story of meeting my twin. To my surprise the words just poured out of me. I even started to think it could even be turned into a good little novel! I then started to receive messages from my angels telling me to write this book - “You have to write this book,” was what I kept hearing. I didn’t know why they were continually telling me to do this as I was NOT a writer and for a long time I did it ignore it. Well my angels knew better - as they always do. So with the help of an editor I ended up writing my story and I discovered that I did have a talent…a creative one. And It didn’t stop there. I also started to write lyrics to love songs (mostly about my twin of course), and to date have written over 40 songs. Many have received high acknowledgement in various worldwide competitions; one has even been selected for consideration for a top country artist which I “coincidently” wrote about in my book (page 341). A couple of other “surprising occurrences” have happened since I have written the book and I am hoping I have written my own reality! I am in the process of putting the finishing touches to the sequel MAKTUB: It is written - which should be out in the coming months. I lost myself for a while in my twin but through losing myself - I also found myself. My twin has given me the greatest gift of all: ME. Maybe that was one of the reasons he came into my life, to help me to find my life’s purpose and become the woman I am today. If so, he has done his job, and I thank him from the bottom of my heart. Even though my twin and I are still not together physically, he is forever with me on a soul level and I look forward to the day when we will meet again, in this life... or maybe another! Love, Rosemary.:) I decided to write a short blog of my thoughts on the voice of ego/fear vs. the voice of intuition/soul. It will be short because... it’s really very simple. Ego/fear DOES NOT want you to be happy. Intuition/soul DOES. It's a pretty clear message. We all need to listen MORE to our intuition/soul, and not to the negative voice of ego/fear which I call the voice of ‘doom’. I know it can be scary sometimes to trust your intuition/soul. Holy moly, what happens if it’s wrong! Well, from experience, I know if you learn to trust your intuition/soul, you can’t go wrong. It will never lead you up the garden path. Your ego will though! The voice of ego/fear wants you to be unhappy; it thrives on you being depressed, negative, frightened, etc. It doesn’t want your light to shine, it wants to dull your light. Your ego/fear does not have your best interest at heart. Now, don’t get me wrong, we all need our ego, but a healthy balanced one. We also need to hear the voice of fear so it can alert us of impending dangers, or negative situations. However, when both are out of balance - so are we! Whenever I hear the voice of doom telling me I can’t; or I’m not good enough; fears of ‘what if scenario’s, start to freak me out, I tell it to ‘nick off’. I visualise myself pushing the voice down into the ground and stomping on it. It took a few attempts but eventually the loud ego/fear voice got quieter, and it’s now so much easier to hear the gentle, positive voice of my intuition/soul giving me the courage, confidence and strength to believe in myself, and to continue on my soul’s journey even if, at times, it doesn’t seem to make sense to me! Oh, of course the voice of doom won’t quieten without a fight - believe me! It still raises its ugly voice every so often - sometimes daily, and if it catches me at a vulnerable moment I will believe what I am hearing. It can throw me into a spin for a moment or two, but…you can’t keep an optimist negative for too long! Practise does makes perfect, so learn to control the voice of doom. Just remember - it doesn’t want you to be happy. It doesn’t want your light to shine. Terrible thought isn’t it! I know life can be challenging at times, and it’s not always easy. BUT it can be easier. Our thoughts really do create our reality so try to focus more on what you desire, and not on what you fear. Living in fear is not living. Choose to listen more to your intuition/soul – the voice of love. You will never be happier. Trust me.:) I came across a great line about fear the other week which I thought said it all. “Let me tell you about ego/fear…it’s the most boring thing about you.” Love, Rosemary x I have been reflecting on 2014 and I am pleased to say that I think had a pretty good one!
I started the year off pretty much the way it’s ended…travelling. Firstly, in January I went back home to Melbourne to celebrate my Mums 80 birthday, and what a fabulous celebration it was. I’d also been very fortunate to spend the three months of summer living in New York with a friend of mine who recently moved there from L.A. Summer in the city was very hot and humid and I was a little nervous that it would be unbearable, but I survived. I came back again in December to spend Christmas, and guess what…I’m still here! My friend can’t get rid of me; it’s now becoming a home away from home. However, as much as I love the Big Apple, I still enjoy living in London. On a creative/work level my first novel I Listened to my Heart is doing well and is under consideration by a publishing company. As you can imagine I am quite excited, and my fingers are crossed that it will be accepted. I also finished writing the sequel, titled MAKTUB: It is written, and look forward to publishing it very soon. My tarot business is growing every day and I feel very blessed that I have a job where I can work anywhere in the world (as long as I have internet connection). I have met some wonderful people, made new friends and have connected with a brilliant singer/songwriter who I’ll be collaborating with over the coming year. I signed my first music contract with a publishing company for my song; ‘I Have a Feeling’ and recently won semi-finalist for my new song ‘Like a Bird’ in the 2014 Song of the Year competition. The icing on the cake had to be meeting the handsome and successful Christian Bale at the premier of his latest movie, Exodus: Gods and Kings, and like a star struck fan I had my photo taken with him! There are some opportunities a girl just can’t pass up! On a personal/spiritual level, I have finally found peace with a challenging emotional situation that had consumed so much space in my head and heart over the past few years. I haven't got the outcome I thought I would, and that's okay, as what I gained from this experience was a gift in its self…I found my creative and spiritual voice and for that alone I am grateful. Yes, everything does happen for a reason and I’m ready to embrace the coming year with an open heart and mind, the past no longer dominating the present. Roll on 2015 - it’s going to be a goody. I can feel it in my bones! Love, Rosemary :) Every one of us is born with a team of angels, and a guardian angel who watches over us every second of the day. Recently, I have had a few people ask me how they can connect and talk to their angels, and what to say once they do. The answer is a very simple one - just say ‘hello’, and then give them permission to come into your life. We have free will, which they honour and cannot interfere with, so permission to come into your life is very important. As to what to say to them… anything you like really. I talk to my angels as I would my best friends. I don’t hold back, I tell them everything; my secrets; my fears; my desires, frustrations, e.t.c. There is no right or wrong way to communicate either, and nothing that you cannot ask for! Just do what feels good for you. Also don’t put limits on what you want. Ask for ‘an abundance of all that is meant for your highest and greatest good’, then leave it in their hands. I know a lot of people do cosmic ordering, which is fine, but I personally think it’s better to ask the universe to bring into your life…what is meant for you. So often we think we know what is good for us only to learn that it wasn’t. Trust the universe, it knows better than we do. Once you invite them in look for the signs they will send you to tell you they are around. Little white feathers appearing from nowhere; butterflies and ladybirds appearing; receiving messages through music, (this happens to me) and synchronistic occurrences. Another good way to open the channel of communication is with angel cards. You’ll find these to be especially helpful and fun. All of these are signs that your angels are with you and helping you. Even if you don’t invite the angels into your life, don’t worry their still around watching over you with their unconditional love. And should you find yourself in a dangerous situation, they can and will intervene, especially if you are about to be run over by a bus and it’s not your time to go! However, they can’t give you that ‘little bit extra’ if you don’t ask them...Just saying! :) Your angels want nothing more than to see you happy, healthy and loved. They are waiting to hear from you. Happy chatting… and enjoy your new best friends! Love, Rosemary x I had never heard of the word Maktub before until I read ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho. The word means – in the English language something like ‘it is written’ and it resonated with me. I felt that it was speaking to me, and that somehow in some way this word would play an important part in my life. And it has! My second novel was nameless for quite a while – I just called it ‘book two’. My books are like my babies and it had already been over 12 months since I’d given birth to it, and it still had no name. I have discovered that naming a book is just as critical as naming a child – so it was important I got it right. – Oh the pressure! One morning as I was walking to work having my usual chat to my angel friends upstairs, I asked for their help in naming my book. I literally said, “Angels what am I going to call my book?” Just as quickly I received the answer, MAKTUB. I thought that was just crazy, “what? I can’t call a book Maktub!” “Why not?” was the reply. “I don’t know, it just doesn’t sound right. No one will understand what it means.” “How do you know?” they said. Hmm, good point! “Well, I’m not sure angels…let me think about it.” A couple of weeks later I still hadn’t come up with anything that felt right so, again, I went back to my angels and said: “I still haven’t found a title for my book?” “Yes you have - MAKTUB.” I admit, I had given it some thought since the first message, and it was beginning to grow on me, but I needed more validation that they were serious. So I said: “Okay I need a sign that I’ve got this right. Tonight when I get home from work, I’m going to open the book and pick a random page and if the word MAKTUB is there, then I’ll trust this is the name it’s supposed to be, deal?” They agreed, and I was sure I heard them laughing! When I got home from work that’s exactly what I did. And staring at me in black and white on page 56 was the word MAKTUB, not only the word but the meaning of the word. So finally my second baby had its name and I love it, (thank you angels). A few people have had reservations about the title, and even suggested I should change it as no-one will know what it means. Hence, the reason I’ve titled it - MAKTUB: it is written. Now you know what it means too! MAKTUB: it is written – will be available shortly. It is the sequel to I LISTENED TO MY HEART which you can purchase at Unlike my first novel this one is complete fiction. It was enormous fun just letting my imagination run wild. Rosemary :) I was thinking the other day about the first ever tarot reading I did. To say I was nervous is an understatement. Someone was going to sit in front of me, pay good money for me to tell them what I could see coming up in their lives. Yikes, what a responsibility! Anyway, I had committed to it so I couldn't back out but as I was setting up my table I realised that I'd left my cards at home - how organised was I?!? Luckily I was doing the readings at my sister’s café which was only five minutes away. As I was running back the house to get my cards, I started to talk to my angels asking for reassurance as I could feel I was beginning to lose confidence in myself. I received a gentle message saying “We believe in you - now it’s time for you to believe in yourself”! And they were right (as they always are). This lovely message from my angel buddies gave me the confidence that I needed. It was 12 years ago and I have never looked back. No two readings are ever the same and the other day I had quite an unusual one - well for me at least. Most of my readings are usually love related: Twinflame, or soulmate readings are my favourites. I feel I can speak with confidence on this topic due to my own personal experience, which I wrote about in my book titled “I LISTENED TO MY HEART”. Jakki, one of my regular clients called me and said, "Rosemary, I have an unusual question for you and it's not my regular work related issues". I am getting excited thinking oh goodie a love reading, my favourite.” Jakki tells me she wanted to know if she should buy these two particular horses that she'd seen and whether it was a good idea? Okay so it wasn't love (so much for me being a psychic!), but it was a pretty straight forward question which I was able to answer in the positive. Then she asked me if I could take a look at each horse, and was there anything she needed to know about them before she handed over her hard-earned cash. I thought this could be interesting, “I’ve never done a reading looking at an animal before Jakki”. “Well there is a first time for everything”, she said laughing. I asked her for the name of both horses and I would look at them individually. I told her that both horses looked like a good investment however I was concerned that one of them – named Enigma could be a little disappointing to Jakki with regards to what she was hoping to use the horse for. I also told her that I felt these two horses were best friends and it was important that they stayed together. Jakki didn’t know if they were or not; I was being told they were but then I thought it was just me being romantic! A couple of weeks later Jakki rang me to tell me that I was right about Enigma and there was indeed a problem with her leg so she wouldn’t be able to use her for dressage, however she would still use her for breeding. She also told the lady that she was going to take the two horses regardless and that the woman selling the horses turned around to her and said, “'I'm so glad you are taking both of them as they are best friends and I really didn't want to separate them." How about that! I amaze myself sometimes. :) Animal tarot reading anyone? Byeeee |
March 2016