The dictionary says an Elixir has the magical power to maintain life indefinitely. Wishful thinking?” Maybe not?
A couple of years ago I stumbled across a product called the ‘Elixir of Life’ that claimed to be able to slow down the signs of ageing, and also help with raising a person’s spiritual vibration. At the time I was more interested in the effect of it helping me increase my spiritual vibration, than I was by the anti-ageing miracle. Luckily I was born with good genes and I was ageing okay but I was pleased to hear that these drops could possibly do both, so I purchased a bottle. Why not kill two birds with one stone I thought. The ingredients were channelled by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, through a lady called Troika Saint Germain. Apparently, he created it for himself and drank it everyday and lived for over 300 years in the same body, and never aged over 45. I wasn't sure I wanted to live for 300 years, but I sure liked the idea of not looking any older than I already was! Now, I know not everyone believes in all this ‘spiritual stuff’ hence the reason I didn’t tell many of my friends that I was taking the drops, or using the TransformEssence skin cream, until recently when I met up with a few of my girlfriends for lunch. I’d been away in New York for the past 2 months so I hadn’t seen them for a while and their reaction when they saw me was one of amazement. They were shocked at how young I looked and couldn’t understand why I didn’t seem to be ageing. According to them I looked 10 years younger than I am - which is 55. I must admit over the last 12 months, I too had noticed a real change in my skin and complexion. I had also been feeling happier, lighter and full of renewed energy for quite some time. The fine lines around my lips seem to have faded drastically, which I attribute to the TransformEssence Cream; and I’d only been using it for 3 weeks. Yes, I was very impressed. Could a face cream really reduce fine lines so quickly? And were the Elixir drops really able to slow down the ageing process whilst raising my spiritual vibration? Seems like it can. I decided it was time to let my girlfriends in on my secret! Of course, once I told them they were very eager to know where they could buy these ‘amazing products’, so I directed them to the USA website. One of the girls suggested that I should sell the products through my website as it would be easier for them & others to purchase here in the U.K. I was hesitant at first. I wasn’t sure it was something I wanted to do, but then I thought about it and decided it just might be a good idea. I’d also been asking the universe for new work opportunities that were in line with my spiritual path - so I took this as a big sign! At the end of the luncheon I’d already had 3 orders! I am now a distributor and it feels right! Coincidently, during one of my meditations, I was told that it was time for me to make others aware of the Saint Germain products. So here I am…doing as I’m told. I’m such a good little earth angel. This this is not a sales pitch at all and I don't want to push these products onto anyone. It doesn’t matter to me if you buy them or not - (I mean this in the nicest way possible). It’s just the reaction and comments that I have been receiving from friends, especially those who haven’t seen me for a while, tell me that something must be working, and I want to share it with you too. Also a good friend of mine asked me the other day if I’d had ‘work done’ while I’d been away. I laughed my head off - but I took it as a compliment. She placed an order! The Elixir of Life is an essence and holds the vibration of the ingredients without containing them. This enables it to work on both the spiritual and physical bodies. And the TransformEssence Skin Cream restores and rejuvenates your skin with all natural, organic, nutritional, healing and spiritual ingredients. It also holds more active ingredients than any other anti-ageing skin care products. You can read more about these amazing products here /saint-germain-products.html and if you would like to place an order, you can at my shopping page /shopping.html. I also want to say that I would NEVER put my name to anything that I didn't believe in, and I believe in these products, 100%. Love, Rosemary
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March 2016