Every one of us is born with a team of angels, and a guardian angel who watches over us every second of the day. Recently, I have had a few people ask me how they can connect and talk to their angels, and what to say once they do. The answer is a very simple one - just say ‘hello’, and then give them permission to come into your life. We have free will, which they honour and cannot interfere with, so permission to come into your life is very important. As to what to say to them… anything you like really. I talk to my angels as I would my best friends. I don’t hold back, I tell them everything; my secrets; my fears; my desires, frustrations, e.t.c. There is no right or wrong way to communicate either, and nothing that you cannot ask for! Just do what feels good for you. Also don’t put limits on what you want. Ask for ‘an abundance of all that is meant for your highest and greatest good’, then leave it in their hands. I know a lot of people do cosmic ordering, which is fine, but I personally think it’s better to ask the universe to bring into your life…what is meant for you. So often we think we know what is good for us only to learn that it wasn’t. Trust the universe, it knows better than we do. Once you invite them in look for the signs they will send you to tell you they are around. Little white feathers appearing from nowhere; butterflies and ladybirds appearing; receiving messages through music, (this happens to me) and synchronistic occurrences. Another good way to open the channel of communication is with angel cards. You’ll find these to be especially helpful and fun. All of these are signs that your angels are with you and helping you. Even if you don’t invite the angels into your life, don’t worry their still around watching over you with their unconditional love. And should you find yourself in a dangerous situation, they can and will intervene, especially if you are about to be run over by a bus and it’s not your time to go! However, they can’t give you that ‘little bit extra’ if you don’t ask them...Just saying! :) Your angels want nothing more than to see you happy, healthy and loved. They are waiting to hear from you. Happy chatting… and enjoy your new best friends! Love, Rosemary x
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March 2016