I had never heard of the word Maktub before until I read ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho. The word means – in the English language something like ‘it is written’ and it resonated with me. I felt that it was speaking to me, and that somehow in some way this word would play an important part in my life. And it has! My second novel was nameless for quite a while – I just called it ‘book two’. My books are like my babies and it had already been over 12 months since I’d given birth to it, and it still had no name. I have discovered that naming a book is just as critical as naming a child – so it was important I got it right. – Oh the pressure! One morning as I was walking to work having my usual chat to my angel friends upstairs, I asked for their help in naming my book. I literally said, “Angels what am I going to call my book?” Just as quickly I received the answer, MAKTUB. I thought that was just crazy, “what? I can’t call a book Maktub!” “Why not?” was the reply. “I don’t know, it just doesn’t sound right. No one will understand what it means.” “How do you know?” they said. Hmm, good point! “Well, I’m not sure angels…let me think about it.” A couple of weeks later I still hadn’t come up with anything that felt right so, again, I went back to my angels and said: “I still haven’t found a title for my book?” “Yes you have - MAKTUB.” I admit, I had given it some thought since the first message, and it was beginning to grow on me, but I needed more validation that they were serious. So I said: “Okay I need a sign that I’ve got this right. Tonight when I get home from work, I’m going to open the book and pick a random page and if the word MAKTUB is there, then I’ll trust this is the name it’s supposed to be, deal?” They agreed, and I was sure I heard them laughing! When I got home from work that’s exactly what I did. And staring at me in black and white on page 56 was the word MAKTUB, not only the word but the meaning of the word. So finally my second baby had its name and I love it, (thank you angels). A few people have had reservations about the title, and even suggested I should change it as no-one will know what it means. Hence, the reason I’ve titled it - MAKTUB: it is written. Now you know what it means too! MAKTUB: it is written – will be available shortly. It is the sequel to I LISTENED TO MY HEART which you can purchase at http://www.amazon.com/dp/1481245309. Unlike my first novel this one is complete fiction. It was enormous fun just letting my imagination run wild. Rosemary :)
9/3/2014 05:14:12 pm
I think that's a great title Rosie. Best of luck with this project.
Brenda Watts
9/3/2014 09:17:29 pm
Like the name!
9/4/2014 03:27:54 pm
I think this story is no only heartwarming but necessary - I can hear your voice and enthusiasm in every word. The book will be amazing just like the author.
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March 2016