I wanted to share with you a couple of "interesting occurrences" that have happened since I have written my book “ I LISTENED TO MY HEART” which is making me more aware of the power of manifesting what we want into our lives through written words.
One of my songs “When I’m Alone” which was under consideration by a music publisher has now been selected to be put forward to country music star Faith Hill. Now, whilst it hasn't been chosen yet - and it may not- it is an achievement in itself just to be selected. Country music is a very tough market to break into! However, the reason I'm sharing this news with you is because I had actually written about this in my book (see page 341) - where I wrote the following: “Can you imagine someone as famous as Alicia Keys singing ‘Did I Misread all the Signs’, or Faith Hill singing ‘When I’m Alone’ and my latest is ‘I’m Free’, which I’d love someone like Sheryl Crow or Lucinda Williams to sing,” I said with excitement. YES!!!!.Incredible isn't it! I'd totally forgotten that I'd written it - but my angels hadn't and they wanted to remind me - so they did! As I was settling myself into bed - still very much excited about my news - for some reason I picked up my book and randomly opened it to page 341. I started to read the page and blow me down; there it was in black and white! I had already written what had just happened. But what really surprised me was the fact that I had opened my book to that particular page. Synchronisation at play here, that's for sure. Mind you I shouldn't be surprised as I'm always getting messages and signs from the universe, but signs like this, well to say I was gobsmacked is an understatement! I mean there are hundreds of country singers and I've had over 25 songs recorded to music - why did I pick Faith Hill, and that particular song? I had also experienced this sort of occurrence once before just after writing my book. I wrote about a music producer that I meet in my book called David Walker, and at the time of writing it was a fictional name that I randomly picked out of my head. One day I was on the internet looking for a good/inexpensive demo company as I had just written a song that I really wanted to have recorded. I came across a site called Walker Enterprises, so I sent them an email asking about their services etc. The reply came back from a man called David Walker. Hmmm, that name rang a bell so I went through my manuscript as I was certain that was the name of the music producer that I had written about. And it was! I have since gone on to meet David Walker as he is producing a couple more songs for me. But, I'm beginning to wonder....have I written my own reality? I sure hope I have as I love my ending. :) I will keep you updated if I have any more exciting “revelations.” Byeeee Love Rosemary
So I'm doing it too - blogging. I'd heard people talking about blogging but it was something I never thought I'd be doing. But then again, I never thought I'd write a book, or write lyrics to love songs, or be making a living reading tarot cards either! I'm a great believer in "what is meant for you will not pass you by", and I was meant to be doing all of the above. Its amazing how your life can change from one moment to the next - if you let it! My book, I LISTENED TO MY HEART - will be launched soon, and I will let you know the date as soon as I know. I'm very excited, and also quite nervous...good nerves though. :) Byeeee Rosemary :) HIP HIP HOORAY - Today I officially became a self published author. It's very exciting and also quite daunting as I have no idea what to expect. Of course I'm hoping like crazy that the book is going to be a huge success, be picked up by some big Hollywood flim producer, and my songs also gain some recognition. I would love one of them to be picked up by some big name singer, like Adele, Leona, Babs...oh I can think of so many singers that I would love to hear sing one of my songs. Ooops, I've drifted of to la la land!
So where was I? Oh yeah, so what can I expect as a self published author? Well, I guess I'll just have to wait and see. But one thing I know is I have to do a lot of self promoting, and that's something I'm not really that comfortable with. Then I thought about it. If I believed in something I could sell it, and you know what - I believe in my book, and me. So I'm going to start wearing another hat - a book saleswoman. Haha, oh... my talent is endless! Anyone wanna buy a book? Byeeee Love Rosemary :) Apparently I'm way behind the 8 ball! I've just discovered I should have been talking about my book 3 years ago - giving you regular updates; getting you all excited as you waited for it's impending release. Well sorry about that... but, you see I don't really do things the conventional way, I never have. Mind you not being a writer by trade, I didn't really know there were certain things that I should have been doing. But hey, you live and learn and I'm learning new things about self publishing every day.
However, even if I did know this information in advance, I doubt that I would have done it anyway. And here is one reason why...You would have been sick to death of me and you'd probably have put an emails from me into your spam folder or even deleted them. Yes, you would have.... because to be honest if anyone was annoying me for 3 years about a book they were writing, that's probably where I'd put you. Sorry, but I hate people telling me something is coming.....look out for....nearly here.....honestly it drives me crazy. I love someone saying "Hey.. here's a great book, and guess what you can read it NOW!" I'm an impatient Aries! Now in saying all the above, I've decided that maybe I should mention to you, (see I'm learning) that I have written the sequel to I Listened To My Heart; its called Maktub which is an Arabic word, and means, in English something similar to "It is written". Maktub was a word mentioned many times throughout Paulo Coelho novel, "The Alchemist". It resonated with me so strongly on many levels that I decided that it would be the name of the sequel. And all going well...meaning, if I get working on it now, it should be available in the comings months. I'll keep you posted but I promise I won't bore you with talk of it - unless of course you'd like me to? Byeeeeee Rosemary :) You know I used to just float along in life, happy, content, expecting nothing much for myself. However, the Universe had other plans. I thought I’d meet someone lovely and marry him; he’d be successful and we’d travel the world, living a bit of a high life. I’d be the perfect wife and I didn’t really care if we had kids or not, as long as I was with the love of my life - that was all that mattered. I was in love with love… but not silly enough to take just anyone for the sake of it. No, I was looking for someone special and I knew I’d recognise him when we met. But as I got older the more I realised that my fairy tale lifestyle wasn’t happening. I reached the grand old age of 45 and I was still single! “What is going on" I would cry to my angels. Then I met ‘him’ and everything changed.
Whilst I don’t consider myself to be an expert on twin soul/flame connections, I do know from experience just how difficult this connection can be. I also know that if you have met your twin and there are complications, as there usually are, then it has happened for a reason. My twin came into my life to help me to find myself and to become the woman I was meant to be in this lifetime. I wasn’t only somebody’s daughter, somebody’s sister or somebody's friend. If you have met your twin soulmate and you are having a difficult time, then you need to stop – look - and listen (hmmm, isn’t this a song?) to your inner voice! I ignored this for a few years until I couldn’t any longer. Unfortunately no matter how much you pray to those above, ring psychics, drive yourself and others crazy… there is no short cut to a happy ending. You have to find your own sense of purpose and fulfillment first. You will not get this from your twin, nor will your twin from you. However, meeting your twin will certainly put you on the right path, that’s for sure. And that’s why you have probably met at what seems to be the wrong time. Aaha…but is it? I can see now that we met at the perfect time! Yes, everything does happen for a reason. A twin soul/flame path has been a rough road to travel for me and even though my twin and I are not together physically, he is forever with me on a soul level. I look forward to the day in this life when we will meet again, even if it is only as friends. You see, he has given me the greatest gift of all…I found myself. And he doesn’t even know it! I love my twin soulmate unconditionally...as I do myself. Love Rosemary Today I received the long awaited book review from the person who's review I was most nervous of...MY MOTHER!
Now the only reason I was a little nervous about her reaction was because Mum doesn't really know a lot about my life here in London. I've been living away from home now for over 13 years, and as the character was based on moi - I was afraid my lovely religious mum was going to learn things about me that she never knew... and might not be that happy about either! And, although I certainly didn't have anything to hide, I wasn't sure how she was going to react when she read that I spent a lot of time talking to angels; ringing psychic's (although I've stopped that); had a facebook addiction (over that too) and also that her lovely, sweet, innocent, daughter (my words) did have a habit of drinking (socially) and swearing (well... I'm not a saint) more than SHE would have liked me too! My mum only drank on rare occasions, and I never heard her swear, so as you can see I had reason to be a little nervous. When I asked Mum what she thought about the book, surprise, surprise - she said all the above - haha...and her review was - "I've enjoyed reading it very much, although Rosemary, (whenever she used my full name I knew she was serious) there were moments when I had to put it down and stop reading it because I'll be honest, I found it difficult to believe that a daughter of mine could ever have been so stupid over a man! Didn't I teach you anything." At this point I let out a huge laugh. She continued, "And all this angel talk above receiving messages...really Rosemary are you sure you haven't lost the plot?" I knew Mum was going to have a difficult time with the "twin soulmate" thingie and although I tried to explain this to her through my fits of laughter, I could tell she didn't get it and probably never would. However, she did say that she wanted to be supportive so if I believed in it, that was all that mattered. Aaah, bless her.:) Love Rosemary, |
March 2016